Tenants at the Life Sciences Center have the option to use shared spaces, equipment and other resources to help control overhead costs and focus critical early-stage resources on getting their businesses off the ground.
Business & Administrative Shared Resources
The CET Life Sciences Center provides a reception room, lunch room, 12-seat conference room equipped for teleconferencing, wireless network, hardwired DSL and telephone connections in laboratories and offices, and a copier/scanner/fax machine.
Life Science Laboratory Shared Resources
The CET Life Sciences Center provides two shared laboratories equipped with instrumentation for the life scientist:
High resolution imaging // CytoViva 150 Ultra Resolution Imager is a transmitted-light microscope system with a proprietary darkfield-based optical illumination technology designed to dramatically improve image contrast and signal-to-noise ratio. This system images a wide range of nanomaterials and other specimens with minimal sample preparation. The level of detail of live cells and pathogens is superior to that produced by phase contrast or differential interference contrast.
High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) // An Agilent 1200 series HPLC is equipped with a binary pump system, in-line degasser and diode array detector, column compartment with temperature controller, autosampler, and a PC computer with ChemStation software and printer.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) // Eppendorf Mastercycler epgradient(S) real-time PCR instrument is configured for 96-well plates, 4-channel multiplex capacity and Realplex software.
Tissue and cell culture-related(PCR) // Biosafety cabinet, 4-feet wide, certified annually; Water-jacketed CO2-regulated incubators (2 units); Inverted microscope.
Bacterial cell culture-related // Bioreactor with 5-liter capacity fermentation chamber suitable for growing bacteria or yeast for large-scale production of biological products; Electroporator, BTX Model ECM 399.
Electrophoretic-related // Electrophoretic mini-gel apparatuses for SDS-PAGE, vertical and horizontal formats; Power supplies; UVP bench-top transilluminator; UVP PhotoDoc-It imaging system; UVP ultraviolet crosslinker; Microwave oven.
Environmentally controlled chambers // Humidity-controlled chambers, 9 cubic feet capacity (2 units); Forced air oven, 6 cubic feet capacity; Orbital shaking platform incubator; Refrigerator-freezers, 4ᵒC and -20ᵒC (2 units); Ultra-low freezer, -80ᵒC.
Plate readers and spectrophotometers // Spectramax Fluorescence M2e is configured for microtiter plates (24- and 96-well) and cuvettes, with absorbance and florescence detection and analytical software. This instrument is appropriate for ELISA and kinetic analyses. Other instruments include a Multiskan EX configured for microtiter plates and Genesys 5 spectrophotometer configured for cuvettes. DeNovix microvolume spectophotometer (Nano Drop) and Benchtop Xevo G2-XS QT of Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer equipped with an Acquity I-Class UP
Centrifugation // High-speed tabletop refrigerated centrifuges (2 units); Microcentrifuge.
Balances // Mettler Toledo analytical (220 gram max.) and top loading (up to 3100 grams max.) balances, calibrated annually.
Other small instrumentation // pH meter with temperature compensation; Sonicator;
Homogenizing system with generators; Stirring hotplates; Heating water bath; Orbital platform shaker; Filtration pump; Compressed air purifier and dryer.
General utility // Ultrapure water system, Siemens Purelab Classic, resin bed de-ionizer; Autoclave, bench top Harvey SterileMax; Icemaker; Fume hood, 4 feet wide, certified annually; Dishwasher; Pipet washer.
Safety equipment // First aid kits; Spill kits; Eye wash and chemical burn stations; Fire extinguishers; Safe storage cabinets for corrosive liquids and flammable solvents.
Back-up power // 7,500 watt gasoline powered generators (2 units).